Quick Summary:
Plot Overview:

Common Themes + Opinions:
Another overarching theme in the book is friendships. Mara clung onto her only friend Charlie for as long as possible, where they were roommates at one point. However, Charlie is in the next phase of her life as a wife and a mom, where time with Mara got increasingly difficult to find. This causes a rift between Mara and Charlie as Mara selfishly wants her friend back, while Charlie struggles to balance being a wife, mom, and friend. Mara realizes that she needs to make new friends, to complement her “new” self, but because she comes to terms with the fact that her friendship with Charlie isn’t what it used to be, and that’s okay. Mara opens herself up and puts herself out there to make new friends, and have new experiences. In doing so, she makes friends with her co-workers, her roommate, and ends up seeing what her small town has to offer.